Francesc Xavier Maymó Gatell
Francesc Xavier Maymó is a member of the boards of directors of Boreal Capital Management in Miami and Zurich. He is also a member of the boards of directors of MoraBanc and MoraBanc Asset Management, in which he is chairman. He is actively involved in decision-making, investment monitoring and project analysis. He is also CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Grup Morsa, the single family office of the Mora-Sagués family.
He obtained a grant from “La Caixa” and a PhD in Microbiology from Cornell University. He has published numerous technical articles (e.g. in the journal Science) and popular science articles, maintaining a fruitful scientific career. His professional orientation towards the financial and banking sector began with McKinsey & Co. and includes having been CEO of Corporate Investments Crèdit Iniciatives, part of the Crèdit Andorrà group, and CEO of the financial company Fimarge.